People, Jobs & Professions Data By City

Professions & jobs city data on how many people work or are qualified in various professions. Available for all cities.

Expressed as number of people, per 100,000 or percentage of population.

City Data on Professions, Wages & Jobs

Professionals Working by City

HINT - Ask our assistance to use this data to identify and improve staff churn

Number of Programmers, Engineers, Scientists, Lawyers, Surgeons, Doctors or other professionals your firm may need.

Experienced Managers By City

Number of General Managers, CEOs, Executives, C-Suite, Start-up Entrepreneurs and other staff you may need.

Talent to Recruit by City

Data on talent pools of Masters Graduates, PhD holders, students, millennial, people with/without college degrees.

Salary Wage Costs Data by City

Answers to the professional, managerial, and entry wage costs in the city. Can be expressed in USD or local currency.

Job Board Data for Cities

Data on advertised jobs is growing in availability.


Many more data points are available offline now (so please request a proposal) for whatever you need for your data job.

Related Data Uses

Staffing Models, staff churn, recruitment data, urban professionals, talent pools by city, graduate recruitment, wage data, salary data, Glassdoor, staff retention models, lean recruitment models, Talent Magnet, staff culture, managerial salary data, c-suite salary data, minimum wage, living wage, professional recruiting