People & Activities Data by City

Lifestyle data on groups of people by city, available for all cities.

Expressed as number of people, per 100,000 or percentage of population.

Here's some of our cool Lifestyle Data

People Data by Activity - perfect for Marketers

Establish the size of your market.

How many people in a city do activities like: drink beer, ride motorcycles, eat in cafes, go to the gym, buy regularly via eCommerce, eat pizza.

Demographic People Data for Cities

Breakdowns of city populations by demographics (for the marketers among you). You tell us.

Hidden Export Markets Data by City

People who speak your language but live abroad.

Other Lifestyles Data

Data on relationships, sexual orientation, and more for social lifestyles. Please ask for this aggregate information.

Many more data points are available offline now (so please request a proposal) for whatever you need for your data job.

Related Data Uses

Customer segmentation, market size analysis, market data, buyology thinking, behavioural economics, nudge thinking, market development, development planning, real estate, marketing targeting, advert targeting, market development, know your customer, social marketing, positioning, Martin Lindstrom, Al Ries, viral branding, product design, product development