Geographical Data

City Benchmarking Data has a variety of standardised geographical parts.

Urban Boundary Definitions

2thinknow use 2 major definitions of cities.

Inner City Population – the defined central city population,

Metropolitan Population – the broader metropolitan population as defined by city government and analysed by 2thinknow.

Both of these are available for order as part of the Population indicator, or separately as data points.

2thinknow population data is full standardized unlike inconsistent data available from online sources.

Latitude and Longitude

The centre of each city is identified in each of standard cities in latitude and longitude.

This data is available for purchase for each of our cities online here.

Surface Area

The surface area of each cities metropolitan area and inner city area.

Standardized data

2thinknow standardize the geography of all data points and indicators. By being fully standardized, 2thinknow data provides the opportunity to compare all cities in the world by a large number of data points across cultures and industries.

Purchase the geographic data from the cities and have the standardized based data for all indicators and data points.

Click here to buy geographical data online.