City Retail Statistics

Retail data for stores planning changing their business, available for all cities.

Retail Statistics by City to help you

Customer Demographics City Data

Data on customers that by your product worldwide, either directly or based on characteristics you describe.

Product Innovation City Data

Data to assist product and service innovations. Data on potential customers by industry, worldwide.

Competitors City Data

Data on competitor density all standardized for cities worldwide. This can include formal and informal competition.

Our data has helped a number of large retailers locate their business and re-assess markets. Sometimes this requires a little more hands-on assistance to make the right choices, so please tell us your retail challenges.

Many more data points are available offline now (so please request a proposal) for whatever you need for your data job.

Related Data Uses

Customer segmentation, market size analysis, market data, buyology thinking, behavioural economics, nudge thinking, market development, development planning, real estate, marketing targeting, advert targeting, market development, know your customer, social marketing, positioning, Martin Lindstrom, Al Ries, viral branding, product design, product development