Data Solutions for City Government

Does your city government need assistance to measure and create change?

Standard City Indicators

Quick & simple way to benchmark & compare city performance.

Choose from 162 indicators containing multiple data points, a global ranking and a Benchmark Score. Benchmark Scores for each Indicator are used to create the Innovation Cities™ Index, published by 2thinknow since 2007.

Single City Data-set

Most complete data-set on any city globally.

Complete data-set on city’s performance including 162 indicators with data points, sources and benchmarks. Available in Excel and PowerPoint format for500+ cities globally.. Ideal for city government, economic development and those seeking complete data on any city.

City Scorecard

Simple way to track, change & improve your city.

Make your city innovative, smart andgreen. Improve the economy or any other change initiative.

2thinknow City Scorecard uses pre-built indicators (or custom Data Points) to build your scorecard quickly and easily.

City Subscription Packages

Monitor & update your cities data.

Support your economic development, placemaking, city branding, smart cities, benchmarking and other change initiatives by joining the Innovation Cities™ Program with our City Packages, combining data, reports and analysis. External link to cities site.

Let our Analysts Untangle Your Data

Need quick help with untangling your data-sets and getting reliable answers?

2thinknow analysts can untangle your data-sets and make life easier. Contact us your particular data problem now for fast solutions.