Indicators are standard city metrics used to measure city progress simply. Each include 2thinknow benchmark scores and multiple standard data points.
There are 162 Indicators to choose from. Indicators are part of the process to build the Innovation Cities Indexes.
They are useful to anyone comparing cities.
Simply select a number of indicators and number of cities
eg. 20 cities X 1 Indicators
All prices in USD $. Note pricing is dynamic, and averaged across cities. Assumes a mix of cities.
Unit rates will be higher if you select only Latin American, Chinese, Africa or Mid-East cities.
This is due to poorer source data requiring much more checking and estimates.
Urban Definitions Basis
$500 Minimum Order
15 Cities (Minimum)
Choose from 500 Cities
Urban Definitions Basis
$2000 Minimum Order
20 Cities Minimum
Choose from 500 Cities
Urban Definitions Basis
$4000 Minimum Order
30 Cities (Minimum)
Choose from 500 Cities
Need Advice?
For more complex needs, we can build you your own cities scorecard below your own budget approval level (and lower than consultants).